Listening Touch Osteopathy​​
Listening Touch Osteopathy​​
Frequently asked Questions…
Frequently asked Questions…
What is Osteopathic Manual Therapy?
What is Osteopathic Manual Therapy?
Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) is an integrative way of assessing, treating and preventing a wide range of health conditions. Designed to treat chronic pain, inflammation and improve the body’s function, OMT is a drug free non-invasive form of manual therapy (hands on) that focuses on the health of the whole body not just the injured or affected part. OMT is a therapeutic science that has been designed to facilitate the natural healing process by finding and correcting anatomical deviations that interfere with the body’s natural function. Treatment is designed to release pain, restrictions and improve function, thus positively impacting all body systems to improve the body’s function and overall health.
Who can benefit from Osteopathic Manual Therapy?
Who can benefit from Osteopathic Manual Therapy?
Anyone. Everyone. OMT can help people in different ways.
Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
Do I need a referral to make an appointment?
No referrals needed. Book an appointment and see how Osteopathic Manual Therapy can help you.
What can Osteopathic Manual Therapy help?
What can Osteopathic Manual Therapy help?
Osteopathic Manual Therapy can help with chronic pain, tempomandibular (TMJ) joint problems, post concussion, joint pain, arthritis, migraines and much more!
What is the difference betweeen Osteopathic Manual Therapy, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy?
What is the difference betweeen Osteopathic Manual Therapy, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy?
All four therapies are hands on manual therapies with the same goal but go around it in different ways. Chiropractors work on joints and taking them past the range of motion with HVLA (high velocity/low amplitude) thrusts that will seat the joint back in position. Physiotherapist use tests to determine the injury then use exercises to build the muscles to make the area of injury stronger. Massage Therapists use different massage techniques to loosen tight muscles and reduce knots and trigger points. Osteopathic Manual Therapists use techniques to mobilize joints and ligaments then muscle energy techniques to reduce muscle knots and tension. Soft tissue therapy, a pain free soothing massage and stretching and exercises finish off techniques an Osteopathic Manual Therapist will use.
How often should I see an Osteopathic Manual Therapist?
How often should I see an Osteopathic Manual Therapist?
There is no set amount of visits recommended. Each person is unique and responds to therapy in different ways. I would recommend making an appointment after having dental work done and definitely after having a tooth removed to reset your TMJ. I would also recommend seeing an Osteopathic Manual Therapist after a head injury/concussion but only after your Doctor says it is safe too. If you aren’t having chronic pain, a wellness session that will work through all your joints and muscles would be a great proactive idea once or twice a year. For chronic pain or injury (after the acute stage) you may only need one to three sessions. It is definitely worth at least one visit to your Osteopathic Manual Therapist before you decide on joint surgery! It’s amazing what Osteopathic Manual Therapy can do!